LittleportLions Club Activities

Littleport Lions Club have been very busy during the autumn and the run-up to Christmas with fundraising and took a well earned break over the holiday period to recharge the batteries. We met again on 1st Feb at our new comfortable meeting place, The Grange, Grange Lane, Littleport at 2pm and discussed, amongst other topics, fundraising events for 2015 and also beneficiaries to receive our help.

Anyone is welcome to attend our meetings and if you have a cause near to your heart, please come along to our meetings. The meetings upto Easter are Sundays Feb 1st, Mar 1st and April 12th. Our meetings are very light hearted and fun, and families are welcome.

I mentioned in an earlier edition of Littleport Life that Lions are celebrating their Centennial in 2017 and one of the challenges set is that Lions around the world serve 100 million people and our club will be part of that goal. As a small club we will only make a small contribution but as someone once said; Every journey starts with the smallest step. But if every club, small or large, works together then the journey will be achieved, and we will all make a difference to the local community.

Our name (Lions) was not selected at random, neither was it a coined name. From time immemorial, the lion has 66 been the symbol of all that was good, and because of the symbolism that name was chosen. Four outstanding qualities – Courage, Strength, Activity and Fidelity – had largely to do with the adoption of the name. The last of these qualities, Fidelity, has a deep significance for all Lions. The lion symbol has been a symbol of Fidelity through the ages and among all nations, ancient and modern. It stands for loyalty to a friend, loyalty to a principle, loyalty to a duty, loyalty to a trust.

Our motto is “We Serve”.

For more details of Lions, which have clubs in cities, towns and villages all over the British Isles, contact David Ellis 01353 664318 / 07817 592438 or visits our website:

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