A spring in our steps and a brand new start!
Are you, like me, a person who really enjoys spring? One of my children was born on the first day of spring and had he been a girl, she may have been named ‘Spring’.
Looking back, she may not have appreciated what was then an unusual name so I am glad our son was named ‘Timothy’. But my joy in the season has not diminished. Not only do I love the fresh green of the trees in their spring attire, dotted or covered with blossom, but I look forward to trips in our motor-home and maybe even sitting outside in the sunshine listening to the birds.
I don’t know what the weather will be like when you read this, but I am hoping we have a warm, bright Easter. Easter is so important to me, being a Christian, because we remember the death of Jesus Christ and, on Easter Sunday, we celebrate the fact that he came alive again. Yes, he rose from the dead! It’s no wonder that yellow primroses and daffodils feature on Easter cards – they are like an illustration of bright new life. And when we crack open a chocolate Easter egg, it can remind us of an empty tomb.
Astounding though it is, the resurrection of Jesus is not the whole story. As Christians, we believe that because he died and rose again, when we commit our lives to Jesus, we become new people. All the old things that came between us and God are washed away.
Of course, we may have habits we find hard to break that will continue to bother us, but we have forgiveness for these things, and can work on them. Yes, God takes us as we are when we come to him through the new life we have in Jesus.
For some of us this might mean a completely new start – we may even move house or take up a new job. For all of us, the change within ourselves will mean that we live our lives in a completely new exciting way; taking steps to work within God’s will, reaching out to others with the love of God and becoming the new creation that we are meant to be.
So when you see those buds opening, or new shoots coming up, why not think about your life and how it can become new in Jesus Christ?
And if you want to know more, find a Christian friend, or come along to a church coffee morning, or a service, to speak to someone. Alternatively, find the website of one of the Littleport churches to find out how to contact them. Our website is vineccl.org.uk and we would be pleased to hear from you.