Here the newest member of your Littleport Life magazine team tells you a little about herself.
So here I am with all my worldly possessions precariously crammed into the back of a Luton. My husband, his crazy uncle and my father sigh a huge sigh of relief as we finally pull down the hatch.
I have lived in the East End of London for 30 years at this point. With 3 children in tow I made the decision that London wasn’t the place for my children to grow up. So with a sadness in my heart but excitement for our new beginning I say goodbye to my beloved city.
My father, Hoxton born and bred, and I follow the van out of the depths of London and onto a 2 and half hour journey into Country life. Our easy chatter and laughter becomes stilted as we come off the motorway and into the miles and miles of flat lying fields and farms and the true immensity of my move becomes apparent. I am no longer ‘just around the corner.’ There are no shops walking distance, I’ve never seen so many tractors and the scenery is breath-taking, in a non-London skyline kind of way. Can I do this? I look at my children’s sleeping faces in the back and know this is all for them.
Of course, I’ve viewed my new home in a village called Littleport and started to acquaint myself to the surrounding area on family day trips over the past months. I’ve described it to anyone who will listen as “like being on holiday.” Except now this is my life and not a holiday and I am excited and apprehensive with my new beginning.
This has been my journey from Cockney to country life. I have a blog in which I share what I have learnt so far, challenges faced and my chaotic family life with an Irishman, 3 children, completely bonkers dog and fat, ginger cat.
I write about our local area, and also articles about parenting and family life.