The name FLUA may not be familiar to all readers of this magazine but for the last 35 years the Fen Line Users Association has been actively campaigning to improve services and facilities for passengers on the line between King’s Lynn and Cambridge. And that includes your station at Littleport which according to official figures was used by nearly 249,000 passengers in the year before the Covid 19 pandemic struck. Over the years FLUA has…
Read MoreTransport
363MCC Keep their motors running!
Even though this will be the second year when the annual May Day fund raising bike show with music, live rock bands and merrymaking, have had to be cancelled, the 363 Motor Cycle Club are keeping busy helping the community. The very name of the club invokes and commemorates the infamous Littleport Riots that began in May 1816 and ended with the hanging of 5 men from Littleport. The riot was caused by the realisation…
Read MoreNew Taxi Firm in Littleport!
It’s always nice to hear about new businesses and services in the village – and to include any extra information about them that comes to light! Well, the new taxi service in Littleport run by David Allen is one such. When someone needed to be conveyed to Littleport Village Hall from Chettisham on a Thursday night to attend the Spiritualist meeting there, this taxi firm came up trumps! The fare in question was disabled curate,…
Read MoreNew Direction for Old Road
Parish Council Transport Spokesperson, Councillor Francis J Brown, is pleased with the progress being made at the much discussed Sandhill Bridge junction of the back road between Littleport and Queen Adelaide. Councillor Brown has played a major role in securing the changes at this junction in response to the number of incidents that have occured on that road. At the end of last year work was completed on making the junction safer and more visible…
Read MoreReviewed Bus Service
Reviewed bus services progress as new timetable specifications are issued for tender Following a process of community engagement and discussion through a Working Group, several bus services under review are now at the penultimate stage of the process where new timetables have been designed and issued for tender. The following bus services are currently out for tender: 117 (Upware – Soham – Ely) 125 (Wardy Hill/Little Downham – Ely) – includes current service 116 129…
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