Littleport Library is open Wed 2-6pm and Fri 10am-2pm. Customers must maintain 2 metre social distancing and, unless exempt, must wear a mask/face covering when visiting a library. We are delighted that so many of our customers have come back to us following the re-opening of our libraries. We are keeping things under continual review and will resume the full service as soon as it is possible to do so safely. Visit or call…
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Cambridgeshire Skills – Introduction to Horticulture
Part of the “growing” list of courses offered by Cambridgeshire Skills. The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the skills a person would find invaluable to grow plants, maintain green spaces and get more from gardening. This introduction is also a gate way to progressing onto further horticultural courses that could be used as a springboard for those wishing to take a past time and turn it into a profession. So…
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Samba Drumming & Percussion Games Workshop Saturday 14th March, 2-4pm, £6/£3. This high energy all- inclusive experience will get everyone having fun with beats and rhythm. No musical experience needed. Even if you have never touched a drum Anthony Paul will support you to have a go! All the drums and samba instruments are provided. For over 7s, young people and adults. Book in the library or online at Storyteller, Storyteller Saturday 6th June,…
Read MoreLittleport Library
Littleport Library offers adult, junior and young adult fiction, nonfiction, large print and audiobooks, a Local Studies section and a Health and Wellbeing area. There is free Wi-Fi and computer access, whilst online there is free access to e-books and e-audiobooks, plus an array of e-newspapers and e-magazines to download and read at your leisure. You can use the Spydus Mobile library app to access your account, request and renew items. We provide help with…
Read MoreBlack Horse Drove – Library Bus
The Library Bus visits Black Horse Drove on the third Friday of each month, stopping at the Community Centre between 12.30 – 12.50. It carries over 3,000 items including fiction, non-fiction, large print, books on CD and cassette and books for children of all ages. All are issued for 5 weeks and can be returned to another library if necessary. It is also equipped with a lift for wheelchair access. The service is free to…
Read MoreLittleport Library – Wednesdays at 1.30 are for young children!
I’ve always been mad on books, and when I was young I was a regular visitor to the library. When I got older and moved away from home, I can honestly say I hadn’t thought to step into a library again in an age of cinema, TV streaming and Kindle downloads. However, when my son was born 3 years ago, within a few months of his birth I was back in the library. This time…
Read MoreThe Library Presents
On Sunday 7 October you can enjoy a dramatic and innovative production of Shakespeare’s Henry V at Littleport Leisure Centre. This fast-paced and dynamic show brings to life the legendary Siege of Harfleur and Battle of Agincourt. The production has been created by professional national touring company Librarian Theatre and is both a perfect introduction to Shakespeare and an enjoyable adaptation for those more familiar with the play. The show is suitable for ages ten…
Read MoreThe Library Presents… Arts Alive Events in Spring 2018
This autumn Littleport Library hosted famous author and comedian James Campbell performing Comedy 4 Kids. There were also some energetic samba drumming workshops. Thanks to everyone who attended these events that are part of The Library Presents … Arts Alive programme (funded by Arts Council England). In February 2018 Littleport Library presents two more fantastic professional performances. Robert Lloyd Parry will be performing ‘Oh Whistle’, two ghost stories by M R James, on Friday 2nd…
Read MoreWhat’s Happening at Littleport Library
Children and Young People Our wonderful volunteers continue to run our Library Lego Club on the 2nd Tues of each month from 15.45 till 16.45. Forthcoming dates (with the theme for the session) are as follows: 9th May – Pets 13th June – Monsters 11th July – Trains 8th Aug – Animals Children attending must be accompanied by an Adult. Please bring your own baseboard (with your name on the back) to each session. Over…
Read MoreNeed a venue? Go to Littleport Library
Littleport Library has been a part of the community for many years, and offers great services from free internet to photocopying. The library is also the meeting place for several of the local clubs. The Littleport Digital Camera club and the Family Lego Club meet at the library every month. Last year also saw many fantastic events that were enjoyed by many of our residents. The adults enjoyed the ever popular Opera Dudes and Casting…
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