Useful Telephone Numbers

Useful telephone numbers
Cambridge County Council General enquiries 0345 045 5200
Highways Department 0345 045 5212
Street lighting (Balfour Beatty) 01954 233322
Citizen’s Advice Bureau Ely Branch 0844 2451292
East Cambs. District Council Main switchboard 01353 66555
Out of hours emergencies 07710 978900
Report fly tipping: Mark Mehaffey 01353 665555
Utilities – emergencies or loss of service Anglian Water 0845 714 5145
EDF Energy (Electricity) 0800 783 8838
Transco (Gas) 0800 111 999
Medical National Non Medical Emergency Line 111
Princess of Wales Hospital Details online
St George’s Medical Centre 01353 864100
Dentist Michael Young 0844 3756454
Parish Council Enquiries, Village Hall hire, Allotments 01353 860449
Police Enquiries / non urgent crime 101
Chief Inspector Russ Waterston
D.I.Donna Wass
Inspector Paul Ormerod
Sgt Will Davis
PCSO Jonathan Hall
Samaritans If you need help 0845 790 9090
Schools Littleport Community Primary 01353 860235
Millfield Primary 01353 861612