The son of a wealthy Huntingdonshire attorney who later moved to Ely, George Peacock was well educated, eventually entering Queen’s College, Cambridge, where he graduated with a B.A. degree in 1734. He was ordained a priest in 1736 at Lincoln and was given a curacy in Norfolk. Whilst in Norfolk he met and fell in love with a butcher’s daughter, much to the displeasure of his father who thought the girl ignorant and below his…
Read MoreMonth: December 2021
There’s Fun for Everyone at Littleport Ex-Servicemen’s Club
Littleport has a really great social and sociable venue that provides fun and entertainment for the whole community from 0 to 100 plus! Whether it’s darts, pool or dominoes that interests you or seeing sport on the big screen, playing Bingo and a ‘Saturday night out’ with live bands or a quiet sup with friends on other days – not forgetting the different groups like Slimming World and youth club ThePort. It’s run by a…
Read MoreRotary Club of Littleport Update and Special
Update Since the last edition of Littleport Life we have held our regular quiz at the Village Hall on 24th September. We were delighted that around 100 people turned up and helped us raise almost £600 for various local charities. A big thank you to all those who helped and in particular Jo Webber who, as ever, pulled out all the stops in ensuring a good turnout. We have been able to support the new…
Read MoreMothers’ Union Update
A happy Christmas to you all I am happy to be able to report that on the first Monday in September, at 7.15pm, we held our first Branch Meeting since the beginning of lockdown. The meeting was well attended, and everyone was feeling happy to be able to gather again. Following prayer and a business meeting, there was time for a competitive game. Everyone was declared a winner and we passed a box of chocolates…
Read MoreLittleport Women’s Institute: Looking back at 99 years so far!
After over a year of restrictions Littleport Women’s Institute is pleased to be back in harness and meeting in person once again. Throughout the menace of Covid we managed to maintain a good amount of contact with members via newsletters and indeed meetings via Zoom. For many of us Zoom was a challenge, as new technology was not foremost in our years of education, but we do like to keep abreast of current trends as…
Read MoreLittleport Christian Spiritualists
‘Now is the winter of our discontent, Made glorious summer by this son of York’. This line sits among the most famous lines of Shakespeare’s works, along of course, with, ‘When shall we three meet again,’ from Macbeth. At this time of year, our thoughts, of course, turn to winter, the cold, and our discontent seems to build. Still, the truth is, the line from Shakespeare’s Richard III means to point to the future, the…
Read MoreFEN Line Users Association
The name FLUA may not be familiar to all readers of this magazine but for the last 35 years the Fen Line Users Association has been actively campaigning to improve services and facilities for passengers on the line between King’s Lynn and Cambridge. And that includes your station at Littleport which according to official figures was used by nearly 249,000 passengers in the year before the Covid 19 pandemic struck. Over the years FLUA has…
Read MoreSt George’s Church: Your Message from St George’s
It’s late October as I write this and it seems that things are really hotting up as we head towards Christmas. Many people will have already made good start with their present shopping (I know one person has already finished but the less said about that the better!) It seems like Christmas decorations have been in the shops since, well…..forever. All of this makes it seem like Christmas is on its way. And where does…
Read MoreNews from Littleport & District Pony Club
Well, what a busy few months it has been here at LDPC, but what a lot of fun we’ve had! I think I’ll start with Summer Camp ’21 held at Ely Eventing Centre. As you can imagine, with a pandemic going on around us, camp was a game of logistics this year. It was the first one we’d had for 2 years and with many new members, there was lots to organise. With newly raised…
Read MoreWWT Welcoming Back Winter Wildlife
Most of the autumn management has now taken place, and finished not too soon as the wet spells in October resulted in the Earith sluice gates opening briefly. Fingers crossed we won’t have to take on excessive quantities of water before winter has properly begun, but it all depends how much water comes down the River Ouse. Ideally we like to see shallow flooded washes at across the far side of the reserve, but not…
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