It’s late October as I write this and it seems that things are really hotting up as we head towards Christmas. Many people will have already made good start with their present shopping (I know one person has already finished but the less said about that the better!) It seems like Christmas decorations have been in the shops since, well…..forever. All of this makes it seem like Christmas is on its way. And where does…
Read MoreSt George’s Church
A Message of Good Cheer from St George’s Church
I think once you read this we will be well into Lent and all set to celebrate Easter – who knows what we will be able to do to then but I hope that you have something fun to look forward to! The week that I write this the season of Lent started. We’ve just celebrated Ash Wednesday, the day when Christians are marked with an Ash cross on their forehead. Lent is often thought…
Read MoreThe Mothers’ Union at St George’s Littleport
We have been unable to meet since lockdown began in March. We have been keeping in touch by phone and on the internet. This does not mean that we have been idle. A few willing and capable members have sewn scrubs for hospitals, made many, many masks and sewn ‘Bereavement Bags ‘ for the return of the belongings of those who have died in hospital, separated from their loved ones. Others have continued to knit…
Read MoreSt George’s Church
It’s lovely to be asked to write something for Littleport Life so I can introduce myself. My name is Madeleine, the interim Priest in Charge for St George’s. I’m here for two years to support and guide the Church. I’ve been living in Littleport for just over a year and it’s great to get more involved. Two major events are looming on the horizon for all of us, both of which we’ve experienced before. The…
Read MoreReflection for Littleport Life
It’s really strange to be writing this piece for Littleport Life on behalf of St George’s. As many of you will know already, Howard has moved to a new job and new challenges in the diocese of Oxford. We are so thankful for everything Howard helped to establish here in Littleport, creating links with so many individuals, groups and organisations and we are determined that this will continue. St George’s has a strong Ministry team…
Read MoreMothers’ Union – Christian care for families
This group meets at 7.15 pm on the first Monday evening of each month in the parish room at St. George’s Church. We have thirty members this year. Men and women, married and unmarried, not only mothers, are all welcome to join us. At our November meeting last year the average age of those present was eighty two but we are a lively and friendly group whose members take part in the whole life of…
Read MoreSt George’s Church
As I write this article, we are in lockdown due to the coronavirus, but hopefully by the time you are reading it, we are not; at least I hope some restrictions will have been lifted. Whilst the lockdown is global, its effect is played out at a highly personal, individual, level with a huge impact upon all our lives. For many that means big restrictions on movement and for others, an even bigger impact with…
Read MoreSt George’s Church
He’s grown, that baby… in a supermarket shortly after Christmas, I heard two shoppers and a member of staff calling out to one another asking if they had each had good Christmases. The consensus was that yes, they each had, but it was over so quick; all that preparation for just one day they said. For just one day; to coin a well-known phrase, Jesus is for life not just for Christmas – well known…
Read MoreSt George’s Church
A common misconception is that Christianity is all a bit polite, a bit genteel; like tea and buns with the vicar. But No! Christianity consistently challenges us with questions about life, the universe and everything at every turn. As I write, we are moving from harvest time through Advent, to winter and Christmas and throughout it all, there is nothing restrained about the Christian message. The bible readings we use at harvest are drawn from…
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Church is a movement, not an exhibit… Let me elaborate. There’s a tale from South America about a family and their prize possession, a wonderful old car. They spend so much time polishing the paintwork, dusting the upholstery, generally checking it over; they really love their car. They spend time sat in the car too, telling stories of journeys with all the hazards you might meet, and also, all the exciting things you might get…
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