Just recently our dog Rosie had to have her front left leg amputated due to bone cancer. It is amazing how well she is adapting to getting around on three legs. We are hoping that the cancer won’t spread to other parts of her body but for the present she is well and has got her bounce back albeit on three legs and not four. I have had pets for most of my life including rabbits, hamsters, fish, cats and dogs.
Rosie came to live with us when she was five and soon settled in as if she had always been a part of our family. I am incurably sentimental when one of our animals needs putting to sleep and can’t help shedding a few tears, but hopefully Rosie will be with us for another year or two God willing.
Pets can be such good companions (if you like animals, of course). They can drive you crazy at times and misbehave, but no matter what, they will always remain loyal and don’t answer back when you are cross with them. The house seems empty when my animals are away overnight and I often feel like I’ve forgotten something when they are not there.
It is amazing what a difference having a three legged dog has made when we are out and about in Ely. In general, having a dog does help in making conversation with people but even more so now. Rosie loves the attention and I have had the opportunity to chat with far more people than I would if I was on my own.
Last week I took Rosie into a local residential home in Ely for the monthly service. The residents made a big fuss of their canine visitor and I suspect her doggy therapy had more of an impact than the worship!
Rosie dog makes people smile and her indominatable spirit is an inspiration. Who knows whether animals have souls or not? I certainly hope there are dogs in heaven though, because I think they can teach us humans a thing or two about unconditional love. It is this kind of God given love that is at the heart of the Christian message.
Many Blessings