The Times and The Seasons
Driving through the fens this week and looking at the activity on the land, I was caused once again to think that the times and seasons are defined by the movements of the master clock in the sky. Having lived for the last fifteen years in this area, the order in which things happen it never ceases to amaze me. We have seed time, growing time, harvest time all orchestrated by some hidden control! Being surrounded by some of the most experienced farmers in the UK, each one of them will tell you that they are dependent on the weather. It is outside our control and I am sure that if we were in charge it would descend into chaos, each one of us would be looking at what was best for me and the choices would vary according to what we are doing! The potato farmers would be wanting more rain at specific times, the cereal farmers would be wanting more sun at specific times, the ice cream vendors would be wanting sun, the gardeners amongst us would be saying what they wanted and so we could go on.
We live in a world of change. Coming up to the elections, we as a country will make a decision as to who we would like to be in power in Westminster. This choice will be based perhaps on a track record of delivering policies or on promises of what they can deliver in the future. Do the times and the seasons not make us wonder who or what is really in control in the world?
In the last edition of Littleport Life the Reverend Howard Robson was talking about space exploration and the amazing things that man is discovering and said “Rather than look for God at the edges of the universe, we could simply start right where we are”! What better place to start than looking around the village at the fields and the gardens. In the first book in the bible (Genesis) we have these words written “ While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and Summer and Winter, and day and night shall not cease.” What a statement and as we reflect and look around us we have the evidence that this is true!
If you would like to find out more about the One who made this statement and other statements that have stood the test of time, then why not join us at the Vine Community Church, Globe Lane on a Sunday at 10.30am & 6.30pm or our Coffee Break on a Thursday from 10.30am to 12.30 to find out more.