Did you know that The Salvation Army is in 136 countries round the world?
Also did you know that from 1st July to 5th July this year, The Salvation Army celebrated 150 years of ministry and mission. Yes, The Salvation Army worldwide has been in existence for 150 years and in Littleport it has been here for 127 years. The big celebration took place at the 02 Arena in London and thousands of Salvationists attended it. Every country was represented and you can still see what happened if you have access to the internet. Just log on to Google, tap in Boundless and see for yourself how The Salvation Army celebrated.
On Sunday 5th July, permission was given for the delegates to meet on Horse Guards Parade at 3 pm, so they could march at 3.30 pm down The Mall towards Buckingham Palace where crowds were three and four deep to see The Salvation Army on the march. There were bands, timbrels, flags and people in their national dress; it took over one hour for everyone to march past the General who was at the Victoria Monument to take the salute. Altogether it was a great time.
The Salvation Army is first and foremost a church. As someone once said “It’s a church with its sleeves rolled up”.
Our Church Ministers are called Officers and have various ranks from Lieutenant to Commissioner, there is only one General. The Ministers responsible for Littleport Salvation Army are Major Bram and Major Lorraine Holland. The actual number of local Salvationists is small, but in any one week, there are approximately one hundred people entering The Salvation Army hall in City Road. They come to a lunch, meet their friends, collect a food parcel or attend the Sunday Service.
The title of this article is Boundless. It is the word chosen for the 150 years celebration. It reminds us that God has no limits – His love is boundless. His grace is boundless. His forgiveness is boundless His power is boundless. God’s love, grace, forgiveness and power is available to everyone and anyone who wants it.
Remember – if you have nowhere to go on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, you are always welcome at The Salvation Army.
God Bless You.
Maureen Caddy, Corps Sergeant Major