The Flower Arranging Club

Our Meeting in October commenced with a tribute and one minute silence for our great friend and member, Maureen Cox, who died after a very short illness. Maureen will be greatly missed by all of her friends and members of the club. A great lady with a big heart and always willing to help.

Barbara Collins was our demonstrator that evening. Barbara has visited us many times, and each time we enjoy her displays and skill more and more. It was a very good meeting, with lots of wonderful arrangements and guidance for members.

Our year has gone well. We are gradually picking up new members, and more will always be welcome.

Our year started with demonstrator Adele Kent in April.

A new ‘Area Demonstrator’ Joanne Randall came in May, and although nervous of the occasion to start with, gave a wonderful demonstration.

In June we had Melissa Sheldrake who was about to take her ‘National Demonstrator’s Test’ so she did two arrangements that she would be attempting for the test and we thought she would do well.

Now the July meeting was a real treat. Brenda Tubb came along, not just demonstrating beautiful flower arrangements but filling the Village Hall with laughter with all her anecdotes of life.

In September, another new demonstrator, Wendy Goodliffe, came along, and she was also very nervous but settled down to give us a very good demonstration and we would certainly ask her back.

We had a full house for National Demonstrator, Nick Grounds, in November.

So all in all it has been a very good year, and I am sure that we will continue to grow in numbers and the Littleport Flower Arrangement Club will thrive.

If anyone wishes to have more information about the Club please contact either myself on 01353 860102 or our very versatile Secretary Pam Sole on 01353 863421.

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