Last month we had the school room decorated at St John’s and I am pleased to say that the new colour scheme has made such a difference to the space. If you have not visited us for a while you will notice the change from the previous dingy mustard –gold. The room seems so much lighter and welcoming now. Our coffee mornings on the first Saturday of each month continue, so why not drop in for a coffee and delicious homemade cake and check out the décor.
If flower arranging is your thing, whether you are having a go for the first time or want some new ideas to develop your skills, come along to the Flower and Friendship Club on the last Monday of the month at 7pm.
When you haven’t been to church for a while it is not easy to take the first step through the doors especially if you are on your own and don’t know anyone. Café Church could be just the thing for you to find your way back, enjoy a less formal style of worship and have Sunday tea at the same time. Check out the future dates and times in our regular advertising slot in this magazine.
We are always pleased to see new people at any of our services and events. Whether you are a regular visitor or have never been before you will find a warm welcome. We believe that God accepts us as we are and as Christians we too are called to extend God’s infinite mercy and grace to others in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.