June 2017 marks the 30th anniversary of the Vine Community Church in Littleport.
In 1982/83, several people from Littleport and the local area worshipped at High Street Church in Isleham. In June 1987, the group of about forty adults and children were ‘planted’ back here in Littleport as a church, supported at that time by High Street Church.
The name ‘The Vine’ was chosen as in John Chapter 15 Jesus says, ‘I am the Vine, you are the branches’. So The Vine Fellowship came into being under the leadership of Ian Garner, supported by his wife, Carolyn.
The first venue was at the local primary school in Wisbech Road, followed by six other venues before meeting, as they do today, in the former Evangelical Church in Globe Lane.
Sadly, Ian became very ill and passed away to be with the Lord in 2OO3.
At that time Don Gee, a very close friend, became Pastor for 12 years, supported by his wife Heather. He was followed by Mark Banfield when Don retired from the pastorate. Mark left in 2014.
The Vine met for several years at the former Regal Cinema, which was completely refurbished inside by church members and friends and then, when the lease came to an end, the Vine was kindly given shared use of the St John’s Church building until moving into their present home in Globe Lane in 2014.
Ten years ago the church name was changed to ‘The Vine Community Church’. We continue to meet regularly on Sunday mornings with house groups, prayer meetings and children’s activities during the week.
Over the years a large number of people have passed through the Vine’s doors, with many young people eventually moving away or to University and some families moving back to America or other parts of the UK.
At present, there are around sixty adults and children who attend regularly, with visiting speakers most Sundays.
The Vine is very thankful for their new home in Globe Lane with leaders Nigel Ovens, Arthur Bartram, Ken and Angela Hobday and several others who are responsible for a variety of activities.
Currently the church is prayerfully seeking the Lord re the appointment of a new pastor.