Reflection for Littleport Life

It’s really strange to be writing this piece for Littleport Life on behalf of St George’s. As many of you will know already, Howard has moved to a new job and new challenges in the diocese of Oxford.

We are so thankful for everything Howard helped to establish here in Littleport, creating links with so many individuals, groups and organisations and we are determined that this will continue. St George’s has a strong Ministry team who will continue to serve you in the best ways we can.

We have started the recruitment process for a new vicar, although this is likely to be a fairly long process and we don’t expect to welcome a new incumbent until after Christmas, possibly next Spring being the most realistic time frame.

Meanwhile we are still open for businessthrough the lockdown we have offered a range of support groups and activities for anyone who wishes to join in via zoom. Our website and Facebook page have enabled us to maintain contact with friends old, and new, which has been fantastic. Since the lockdown has eased, we have been open for individual prayer 3 times a week, and for Sunday worship at 10am. We have held Messy Church in the churchyard.

We are experiencing strange times and who knows what is to come in the next few months. We are having to be flexible and creative in our approach to worship and service, and this will continue for the foreseeable future. Expect to see a number of pop-up events and activities around the town, as outdoor activities seem to be the best option at the moment, particularly for family events. All our activities are carefully risk assessed against government and Church of England guidelines. We are very aware that Christmas is our next significant celebration and we know that things will look very different this year.

We have been challenged, just as everyone globally has been challenged: we have had to rethink our priorities, and we have had to focus our energies on the fundamentals of our faith, and adapt. In this we have a perfect example to follow. When Jesus began his ministry he caused much unrest amongst the “traditionalists” and senior faith leaders as he questioned the way things were done, and why. Jesus wanted to shake things up and make people think about what it means to love and serve God. He summed it up in this way: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength” and “Love your neighbour as yourself”.

That is exactly how we approach our faith now, and will continue to do so as we serve God in this community.

If you need to contact us, please go to the website or to our face book page, and submit your enquiry. Also keep an eye on the notice boards as they also contain up to date information.

In the meantime, we pray that God will care for you, comfort you and keep you and your loved ones safe.

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