Following the retirement of Elaine Lee and Susan Green, the Littleport Independent Foodbank has now moved back to St George’s Church and is open on a Tuesday and Friday morning from 10.30am – 12 noon. Mandy Orchard is continuing to volunteer and will be supporting residents, alongside a new group of volunteers.
We’d like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Elaine and Susan for running the Foodbank for the last 5 years, during which time they have distributed 6000 food parcels to residents in need through some truly unprecedented times. During the lockdowns of 2020, Susan, Elaine and Mandy delivered food parcels to families who would not have coped without their support, and we are extremely grateful for the unwavering commitment and dedication that they have always shown to our community. They are a true inspiration to us all, and will be sorely missed.
Mobile Housing and Community Advice Bus
The new East Cambs District Council Housing and Community Advice Bus visited Littleport for the first time on Friday 8th October and will be visiting every Friday morning from 10.00am – 12.00 noon to coincide with the opening hours of the Foodbank. The bus will be parked at the Medical Centre and housing officers will be on hand to offer support.
The Housing and Community Advice Service Bus will be travelling to areas across the district to provide support and advice on topics ranging from debt and benefits to homelessness and COVID-19 recovery; residents will also be able to collect rapid COVID-19 home testing kits. You will not need to make an appointment in advance, however, if you require any further information please contact the Housing Team on 01353 665555 or email:-
We rely on your donations to provide the Foodbank Service to our Community, and would like to say a massive thank you to everyone for their continued support, and generosity, which helps us to continue to support individuals and families who are facing difficult times. We are always grateful for every donation, but just for information some of the staple items that we distribute the most include:
• Tinned: vegetables, baked beans, spaghetti, fruit, soup, potatoes, sausages, meatballs, meat pies • Dried pasta, pasta sauce, biscuits, sugar, coffee/tea, long life milk
• Toiletries including toilet rolls, deodorants, soap, shower gel, toothpaste/brushes, shampoo / conditioner
• Dog and cat food
You can also make a financial donation if you prefer, either as a one-off payment or regular standing order. Any donation, however small, is always gratefully received. Please just contact us on the telephone number or email address provided, if you require further details. Volunteering Could you be part of the Littleport Foodbank Rota Team? Are free once a month on a Tuesday or Friday morning between 10.30 am and 12 noon? We need people to:
• be in the building during open times
• label and pack food
• make hot drinks
• collect donations from shops For more information, please contact us on the telephone number or email address provided
If you need our help, or know anyone else who needs help, please do not hesitate to visit us at St George’s Church on a Tuesday and Friday morning between 10.30am and 12 noon, or contact us on Tel: 07738792117 Email: or find us on Facebook at Littleport Foodbank
Jo Webber on behalf of Littleport Independent Foodbank
Littleport Independent Foodbank
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