Well, what a busy few months it has been here at LDPC, but what a lot of fun we’ve had!
I think I’ll start with Summer Camp ’21 held at Ely Eventing Centre.
As you can imagine, with a pandemic going on around us, camp was a game of logistics this year. It was the first one we’d had for 2 years and with many new members, there was lots to organise. With newly raised social restrictions, the committee had to work hard to put sufficient precautions in place. Despite this, it was a roaring success! Our members and instructors had an absolute ball, camping for 3 days in Little Downham. Each day involved at least 3 hours of riding, plus lots of work towards badges and preparations for the musical ride competition the club were keen to enter in September.
Camp is a real opportunity for members to get to know one other, for age barriers to be knocked down and for friendships to be firmed. The team spirit also to continue to grow, as older members support the younger ones, littlies form aspirations and everyone has the chance to grow in confidence with their riding. It’s a truly magical time.
On top of this, we’ve had members out competing nearly every weekend at events around the region.
We had Libby Hughes and Chloe Blair representing LDPC at the Area 8 Dressage Championships.
LDPC entered two teams for the fantastic Bloom Cup held at Blackwater Farm. Both teams having successes with individuals, Emily Clark and Joe Hartshorne and the 90cm team came in 3rd place.
More recently, we had a massive success at the Interbranch Showjumping competition at Horseheath. Our junior team entered the 40cm class and won!!
Many congratulations to Florence and Mabel Newstead, Isla Johnson and Flossie Harrison.
We also had members competing in the Wilkinson Sword Hunter Trial at Isleham, and 4 members participating in a Hunter Trial at Poplar Park. A very tricky and very long course in shocking weather conditions! A credit to the members for heading out that day!
On top of this, we’ve been pushing our fundraising locally too, holding Bake Sales, manned by members, at BE events held at Ely Eventing Centre, we feel very blessed to be so well supported by such a prestigious venue.
On that note, I’ll take my leave til the next time. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like more info on joining the club, or in fact if you have something to offer by way of sponsorship for us. Contact our Secretary, Kate Hughes email: keread82@hotmail.com
All that’s left is to wish you a very Happy Christmas and fun filled New Year from all at Littleport & District Pony Club
News from Littleport & District Pony Club