If we cast our minds back to the start of this year the picture certainly seemed a gloomy one. With a further lockdown, the January blues looked like setting in with a vengeance, but what a difference a few months makes! We’re beginning to see the ‘green shoots of recovery’ in many places, and nowhere more so than in Peacocks Meadow. What a lot of work has been carried out by our volunteers …. and what a huge amount has been achieved. Contractors, Quonset Ltd have worked very hard too. They have trimmed trees, cleared the ditch and removed tons of rubbish and garden waste in the past few months.
With so many more lovely users enjoying the garden we have pulled out all the stops to maintain and improve the space. We have completed our gorgeous new sensory area, which has been created for ALL our visitors to enjoy, but especially for our learning-disabled children and adult users.
Exciting woodland play features are set to arrive in the autumn, and a living willow den is scheduled for construction in February. Meanwhile, our volunteers have planted 1000s of native bulbs and plants; bluebells, snowdrops, primroses and daffodils to name but a few. What a sight they will make next spring.
As for wildlife, breeding populations of deer, foxes, hedgehogs, birds, and reptiles have chosen to make their homes in Peacocks Meadow.
We are indebted to our generous funders and Littleport Parish Council who continue to support our endeavours. As for volunteers, huge thanks are due (yet again!) to our fantastic team of mowers, Andy Coe and friends, who mow the garden twice a month. Many thanks also to Joanna Coe and members of the PORT youth club for their energetic input with events and activities which we’ve all enjoyed.
And of course, thanks to YOU … our wonderful community, who have donated plants, materials and children’s play items for the use and enjoyment of everyone. We are so grateful that the community has taken Peacocks Meadow to their hearts, and helped us to create a safe and welcoming green space that has become a haven for people and wildlife alike.
Our plans are constantly developing and evolving, so if you would like to know more about Littleport’s only ‘volunteer-managed’ green space, so visit our F/B page: Peacocks Meadow. We are always looking for new volunteers to join our friendly team of ‘Peacocks People.’
We couldn’t do it without YOU …. the lovely people of Littleport. A warm welcome awaits you in Littleport’s very own ‘Secret Garden.’