At this time of year we all look back over the successes and failures of 2010 and look to see what we can do to improve in 2011.
The Leisure Centre Committee recently looked back over its diary and saw Ely Archers using the Centre in January and Newmarket Badminton in February. March found us hosts to a caravan rally and bowls competition. In April we had a further caravan rally and the annual Country and Western event. May and the trikes returned for a further visit and June saw us hosting 2 dog shows and our own Fun Day. July was another of our big summer events with the 10k and fun run. August we ran theatre workshops during the school holidays and had another caravan rally. September found the return of another dog show and a caravan rally along with a bowls tournament. More caravanners rallied in October and November bought judo and archery competitions and for the really hardy a caravan rally in November and another in December. And a further dog show later that month!
Looking forward a lot of the groups above returned in 2010 for second or further visit and quite a lot have booked for 2011 and 2012.
So what of us locals? Well we have user groups who faithfully support us and hold their meetings at the Centre, their AGM’s and their Christmas parties. We have groups who fund raise for us and without the regular support of Littleport Town Football Club, the Cricket Club, the skating group and many others who train at the Centre and support very loyally at the bar afterwards we would not be the sports centre we are.
We had christenings, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and funerals. We see Littleport through the start to the very end!
So thank you to all our supporters. You know who you are and everyone at the Centre thanks you for your support last year and we hope for your ongoing support this year as the Centre strives to make its mark as a community hub.