Children and Young People
Our wonderful volunteers continue to deliver Story/Rhymetime sessions on a Monday (during term-time) at 10.15 for 0-4 year olds. Parents, grandparents or carers are welcome to bring those in this age group to join us. It’s a great way to meet others and to enjoy some wonderful rhymes and stories with your children/grandchildren. If you are interested in being part of our rota of Volunteers delivering rhymes and stories for this event (training is provided), please contact the Library Team.
This year’s Summer Reading Challenge is Mythical Maze. Look out for more information in the Library.
Over 50?
The Library is opened exclusively on the second Thursday morning of each month for a Library Group, refreshments are available and you do not have to be a member of the Library. We have a Guest Speaker on a wide range of topics. See the poster in the Library for information about the Talks we will be having.
We also have a “Computer Buddy” who can offer basic help to beginners with ad-hoc IT related queries. Appointments need to be booked via the Library Team.
Family History
Need help with your family history, we now have a Volunteer who can assist. Find out more in the Library.
Reading Groups
Two Adult Library Reading Groups meet in the Library, once a month – one on a Monday morning and the other on a Wednesday evening. Let us know if you are interested in joining.
Our Opening Hours are
Monday: 10.00 – 17.00
Wednesday: 10.00 – 17.00
Thursday: 14.00 – 17.00
Friday: 10.00 – 13.00
Saturday: 10.00 – 13.00
We are on the corner of Granby Street and Main Street in the old Town Hall Building.
New Library Members are always welcome.