In the chilly month of February the Fen dweller’s warmest thoughts oft turn to ice!
This year was no exception with the Adam’s Heritage Centre playing host to a two-day exhibition of all things fen skating. There were plenty of old skates and photographs of skaters from as long ago as the 19th century on display.
Speakers from the Fen Centre – Chair Nigel Drake and its Publicity Officer, David Smith, who is also still competing at international level, gave illustrated and fascinating talks to the Heritage Centre’s many visitors, on skating then and now.
On the Saturday morning of February 28th David and Fen Centre colleagues gave a talk and demonstration of inline roller speedskating at the Littleport Leisure Centre during Brian Paddington’s Fun Roller Skating session for youngsters. There were also old sales ledgers recording sales of Hagen skates to browse through – and pictures of a similar ice stadium and track plan to the one planned for Littleport in the not too distant future. The Adams Heritage Centre Trustees did a great job of putting up the display boards, ensuring visitors were welcomed through the doors and providing light refreshments throughout the entire exhibition.