Littleport Parish Council Digest

Littleport Parish Council decided to write an open letter to the East Cambridgeshire District Council highlighting their serious concerns over the cinema and leisure park planned for the outskirts of Ely. Councillors feel that it could have a detrimental effect on Littleport as well as on council tax rates for the rest of the district.

At January’s meeting they opined that development could be a ‘death knell for a number of organisations’. In the Minutes it states ‘as a Parish we have serious concerns about the proposed Ely leisure village and the detrimental effect it will have on Littleport and the financial burden on rates for the District’. The Councillors also agreed that a copy of this open letter would be sent to Soham Town Council and Burwell Parish Council as well as the Paradise Centre in Ely…


Public Question Time & Community

issues Report:

A resident of Wellington Street spoke on the issues of heavy vehicles travelling at speed past his house and wondered why they did not use the bypass. It was explained that some commercial vehicles have to use the roads through the village to reach their destinations. Members agreed to ask speed watch to carry out a survey.

Chair’s Announcements:

Letters of thanks were received from the Royal British Legion and the Adams Family Project. An email had just been Project Manager for the new schools, asking for contacts to discuss access for the schools. Members agreed to convene an extraordinary meeting for 24th November to consider.


Reports of the Finance and Parish Council Meetings held on 20th October 2014, the Planning Committee and Preliminary Precept Meetings held on27th November 2014, and the notes on the Staff Committee Meeting held on 10th November 2014 were confirmed

Finance Committee


Councillor J J B Lee reported on the finance recommendations.

Follow Up Diary

The Clerk reported on Anglian Water, the Cemetery Security Gates, compensation for theft and damage in the Cemetery last year, Lloyds Pharmacy dialogue, a new dog bin at Friars Way, and the Clerk would attend a meeting with The Environment Agency regarding a blocked watercourse at Black Bank Drain.

District Councillors Reports:

Councillor D I Ambrose Smith reported Anglia Revenue Partnership has now increased from 3 to 7 in the group. He has asked for all involved to receive training. Councillor Mrs C M Ambrose Smith reported on free parking in Ely and the approval for an 8 lane 25m swimming pool at the Ely Leisure Centre. It was noted it costs £170,000 a year to run the pool at Paradise. Members were concerned that the ECDC forgets there is life outside Ely. Councillor Wright explained the costings behind the projects that even by selling 59all ECDC assets there is still a funding gap and the burden of a 35 year loan to repay. It was agreed to discuss this issue at the next full council meeting. Just some of the business of the Parish Council considered in December

Public Question Time And Community Issues:

A resident from Oak Lane raised concerns about the Planning Process at East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) and their failure to serve the proper notices on applications and take into account Parish Council comments. Members sympathised and agreed that a letter should be sent from the Council raising concerns on notices not being served, point put the building does not conform with plans approved, and ask Environmental Health to monitor the sound levels All the reports of the Planning Meeting, the Meeting with Sanctuary Hereward, Finance, Parish Council Meetings and the Confidential Meeting Minutes held on 17th November 2014, the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 24th November 2014 and the Planning Meeting held on the 8th December 2014, were confirmed. The Parish Clerk reported on the Follow up Diary. The District Councillors gave their reports. County Councillor Divine sent an email report to members.

Flood Risk Consultation:

Councillor F J W Brown reported that gardens in the Upton Place/Parsons Lane area are now flooding as a result of the Highfield development as water comes up through the drains as it is alleged the pumps are turned off in heavy rain. Other problems arise when water is discharged into unmaintained water courses. The 60 Consultation is only looking at River conditions.

Ely Leisure Village

Members raised many issues about the project namely the cost to the ratepayer to maintain a swimming pool and the loan required to build the facility will for many years be a burden on the rates. Ely gets money thrown at it – are they going to help Littleport and Soham? The proposed cinema and eating houses would also affect Ely City Centre’s footfall. Will the new centre affect the new schools in Littleport? It was agreed that an open letter be sent to the District Council saying as a parish we have serious concerns about the proposed Ely Leisure Village and the detrimental affect it will have on Littleport and plus the financial burden on the rates for the District. The open letter will be sent to Soham and Burwell councils as well as Ely Sports Centre seeking their support: Members to approve the open letter prior to mailingYour Parish Council met in The Barn on Monday 19th January 2015 at 7.30pm Councillors present were: D J Boyd, C M Ambrose Smith, F J Brown, F J W Brown, R Constable, B W Hayes, S D Kerridge, J J B Lee, T J Lee, D Murfitt, G Norman, A N Wright. Also present were the Clerk, Deputy Clerk and one member of the public.

Public Question Time And Community Issues

Members were concerned about the ongoing problems regarding the new access and parking for the houses fronting the open spaces at Woodfen Road/Parsons Lane. It is understood that work is programmed to rectify the issues next month.

Chair’s Announcements:

The Chair has been invited to attend the Annual Reception for Council Chairs next month

Apologies & Absences:

Apologies for absence from Councillors Gardiner and Padgett were approved. Councillor D I Ambrose Smith would arrive in due course following another meeting.


The reports of the Finance and Parish Council Meetings 15th December 2014, the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 22nd December 2014 and the Planning Committee Meeting held on 5th January 2015 were confirmed.

Follow Up Diary.

The Clerk reported on the response from ECDC Planning Department on the complaint about Oak Lane. Members were dismayed at the response and the Chair will respond. A Letter regarding the Ely Leisure Village has been circulated to all Parish Councils.

District Councillors Reports:

Councillor Wright reported on his attendance at a seminar on Budget proposals which showed a balanced budget using a net use of reserves £285K this year and £785k next year which will be approved in February. The new homes bonus is equivalent to 6 years rates. It is not known what effect the demise of the Tesco project will have. Councillor C M Ambrose Smith reported on a £15,000 grant to Ely and Soham Dial a Ride. It is a necessary service. She reported a suggestion to build a station at the Potters Site near Queen Adelaide and currently there are very few facts about this.

County Councillor’s Report:

Emails sent by Councillor Divine have been circulated to all councillors.

Transfer Of The Paddocks:

Members reviewed the Section 106 Deed of Agreement between ECDC, CCC, Canon Kirk Property Limited, National Asset Loan Management Limited and Littleport Parish Council. Members agreed to respond that the agreement should be amended to allow the possibility of the land to be used for buildings for sporting/ leisure, e.g. a sporting pavilion, and associated roadways and parking. Councillor D I Ambrose Smith arrived.

Community Infrastructure Levy:

Councillor C M Ambrose Smith reported that Councillor Richard Hobbs would like to attend a future council meeting to discuss the levy. Members reviewed the document and Councillor Wright proposed that under Section 3 adding the upgrading of all existing major Leisure and Sporting facilities within the district. Seconded by Councillor Norman and carried. There were two abstentions.

Digest by: Littleport Life Editor.

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