Littleport Scout Troop Taste-Test Takeaways

Littleport’s scout troop are looking forward now to the spring months of activities, but here is a backward glance to let you know what the group did as part of their active winter programme.

The 1st Littleport Scout Troop undertook a taste-testing competition before Christmas!

The competition was designed and undertaken by the members of Puma & Tiger Patrol overseen by 12 year old the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge to learn more about the night sky and navigation by the stars. There was an autumn weekend camp with canoeing, rock climbing, backwoods cooking and archery and a Living History WW1 evening where Scouts discussed their own family history and could get up close to a collection of 19th Century military paraphernalia to understand for themselves the conditions of trench warfare.

Any child – boy or girl – interested in joining the Scout Troop (10 – 13 1⁄2) or if there are any adults with some spare time on their hands to help Beavers, Cubs or Scouts, please contact Mike Philbey. Group Scout Leader. Tel. 01353 861303 / email:

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