The Littleport Parish Council election has begun to fade in our memory – but the impact of the 2015 election will continue to make a difference to the way in which citizens of Littleport view and experience their representation by those councillors that they elected to serve them. It would be agreed that all the candidates were worthy to sit on that community body, and the mostly close count of votes cast would prove that statement. However, until the number of ‘seats’ in Littleport East and Littleport West are expanded, the municipal game of musical chairs will have to have an accepted limited number outcome. Perhaps in the future those willing to serve could be asked on, to this voluntary panel in order to represent those who did cast their votes their way, to ‘come on board’ as co-options…
There is a spirit of change and progress pervading the village now, fuelled in part by the social media networking system; for those with access to Facebook the pages are Littleport Village Voices, and Littleport Notice Board – again administrated by volunteers – with the annual open meeting at the Village Hall being packed with residents who were able to ask questions – and indeed have them answered, by the newly formed PC as it’s known for short! One suggestion from the floor was that the Parish Council itself could have a Facebook presence.
PC as we know also stands for the much maligned phrase, ‘Political Correctness’ – but this PC is most definitely PC in the best sense of the acronym. After all being politically correct means having an inclusive and non discriminatory attitude to all the diverse people, groups and lifestyles within any community, and wanting to do the best by, for and with them. Nobody would deny that Littleport Parish Council falls into that category.
At the last meeting before the elections on April 20th under the Chairpersonship of Ms D I Boyd, it was proposed by Councillor FJ Brown that as next year is the 200th anniversary of the Littleport Riots, that the Council should contact all the other organisations in the village to seek their views on commemorating this historic event.
The Rotary Club proposes a march on Ely from the old Globe site in Littleport on May 22nd 2016.
Parish Council Minutes, the proceedings written down during the monthly PC meetings and made public in draft form pending acceptance at the next PC meeting are available at the PCHQ, the Headquarters of our Parish Council, The Barn and signed off as accepted minutes are also now posted on the Littleport Village Voices FB page.
By The Editor