Autumn 2015 Edition Littleport Life: Welcome!

Yes, Welcome! Welcome to another look into the life of our community in Littleport.
The largest sized village in England is getting larger in population too, and plans for new schools and leisure facilities getting on apace.
You can find out more about the attractions of living in Littleport in the interesting and informative pages of this, your on – the – spot magazine, aptly named, Littleport Life.

The village is well served for all of your material and spiritual needs.

All the faith groups are represented in its pages; from the 16th century Parish Church and its Westminster chiming clock emplaced in its tower in 1919 dedicated to the fallen of the First World War, St John’s Methodist Church in their modern redbrick building built next to the original 1853 chapel in the 20th century, the Salvation Army Citadel in City Road, the Vine Community Church in the Evangelical Church building in Globe Lane, to the ‘suitcase church’ of the Greater Littleport and District New Spiritualists’ Society that meets in the Village Hall in Victoria Street every week.
There are of course growing numbers of people of other religious persuasions living in the village, such as Roman Catholics, Jews, Hindus and Moslems, but as yet there are no meetings held here for them.

We have many active groups for socialising with other Littleport residents in the many clubs and societies, most having a charitable or wider social aspect too.
The Lions, the Women’s Institute, the Flower Club and the Rotary are among others who are to be found in the pages of Littleport Life.

Young people and children are catered for too with Brownies, Guides and Scouts, and a multitude of recreational and sporting groups to welcome their participation based at the Leisure Centre, such as roller disco Saturday mornings, karate etc., and there is Bowls, Football and Cricket for all ages.
Littleport has an endless list of interesting places, people who live in it, and work in it, and activities as well as all those local businesses, without whose continued financial support through advertising this magazine would not exist!

So on your behalf I will thank all of our supporters for their contributions to the actual quarterly production costs of Littleport Life, and for enabling the voluntary team here who do it for love of this village, receiving no pecuniary remuneration, to say again, ‘Welcome!’ to Littleport Life this autumn, 2015.

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