July saw the appointment of a new President, Major Bram Holland, known to many, as the leader of the Salvation Army Church, Bram will be well supported by his Deputy, Clive Webber who is also the new Chairman of the Parish Council
The new team will ensure that the Rotary Club continues to focus on local issues helping out in whichever way it can, either through fund rais- ing or service.
Outgoing President Tony Winchester was delighted to learn that his chosen charity, The Stroke Association, will shortly be presented with a cheque for £1,080 as a result of many of the fund raising activities the club had undertaken over the last 12 months. Tony Said – “Whilst this is a National Charity many of us have been touched by those suffering from strokes. This debilitating illness frequently has a devastating impact, supporting the Stroke Association encompasses much that we believe, within Rotary”.
Race Night
A Family Charity Social Evening at the Littleport Village Hall
Once again, we will be running the ever popular — Race Night Many who attended last years event, remarked positively about the various improvements we had made to the event, we will be consolidating them this year. Tickets will be available in September Clive 01353 862293 Donny 01353 860710 clivewebber135@btinternet.com Check out our website for Sponsor Details
Friday 2nd October 2015 7.30pm, Adult £6.00 – Child £2.50, Includes Ploughman’s Supper
We will continue to support the East Anglian Children’s Hospice, the East Anglian Air Ambulance and will also look to support local charities and individuals as and when appropriate. We will also continue to provide mentoring guidance when we can in local schools hopefully for the benefit of youngsters from within Littleport.
Littleport Riots Walk
On Sunday 22nd May 2016 we plan to remember the Littleport Riots. A walk will take place from Littleport to Ely . We plan to re-enact the riots. Readers may be relieved to learn that there will be no looting of shops en route! The cause of the riots are many—The desperation of impoverished and virtually starving farmworkers, took a stand against, the local Ruling Religious Hierarchy, who were conjoined with the local Farming community. A great divide existed.
The Walk:
- Start place Co-op store in Main Street. Site of The Globe Inn, original start point.
- End Point St. Mary’s Church, Ely – by the plaque on the tower. Where we hope, Major Bram Holland, of the Salvation Army will be able to say a few words of prayer.
- Nominated Walkers will hopefully, each attract sponsorship of £100 or so.
- Mindful of the impoverished and starving farmworkers, Sponsorship Monies raised will go to the Littleport Food bank and other Rotary cause
- We are currently in discussion with other groups who are preparing various events.
If you want to be part of our successes why not contact us – we’d like to hear from you …. whether you want to sponsor any of our future activities, including the Christmas Trees. If you want to have a chat about becoming involved in Rotary why not speak to our Membership Secretary David Ambrose Smith on: 01353 861010
If you want to find out more about our Rotary Club. Take a look at our website: www.littleportrotary.org.uk