A Message from St George’s Church

Following on from my message in the last Littleport Life, I’m pleased to report that a great time was had by all at our two open weekends. Teddies & the Tower went very well with all teddies descending in either a ‘plane or a hot air balloon. And our very first Pet Service was huge fun with the dogs, the cat, the guinea pig, the tortoise and the bull… yes, a bull called Shaun who was very well behaved when we came out to see him and surrounding Shaun, we ended the service on the grass. (Pet Service will be repeated next year).

Part of the purpose of the open weekends was to talk to people about reordering the inside of St George’s church. The reordering isn’t being suggested on a whim, there are some major issues about the floor, heating and the bells. Undertaking a project like this is very expensive which will mean applying for grants from a wide range of grant making bodies. All of those grant making bodies though have one thing in common – they need a Statement of Need. That is, a detailed reasoned argument why the building should be updated and/or altered.

This is where the people of Littleport come in. I and other members of St George’s need to know: What do you think about changing the interior of the church?

What sort of Community activities would you like to see happening in the church? How would you feel about using the main part of St George’s as a venue for wedding receptions?
Or a Community cinema? Or a coffee drop in? A venue for a Saturday market? Open daily for personal prayer and reflection?
All these and more could be on a Statement of Need and would add real substance to grant applications. As I said last time, please don’t be perturbed by these ideas. The church is intended to be a living building; that means a building which reflects both the gospel of Jesus Christ and all Jesus means to the world and a place of gathering for a community’s many and varied activities.

If you would like to make a comment, please either speak to someone when you see them, contact us through the church website (www.littleportparishchurch.org.uk) or Facebook page or drop us a note. For Christmas services – please see the website or ask for a copy of What’s On! either in paper form or by email. And as the Christmas season is upon us, we need to recall that Christ was born not in a swanky hotel with all the latest gadgets, but in a stable round the back of an inn. Christ came to where ordinary folk were and he does still – may the Christ child light up your heart this Christmas.

With every blessing,
Rev’d Howard Robson.

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