The women’s Institute has had a busy time of late, as this is the Centenary year of the Women’s Institute in this country, the idea for the WI came from Canada in 1915. Littleport’s Women’s Institute started in 1922. To mark the centenary we have held a Garden Party with members from other Institutes in the Ely federation invited, a lovely day with beautiful weather. We held an exhibition in the Adams Heritage Centre, with…
Read MoreIssue 39
A Message from St John’s Methodist Church
My daughter Sarah was a Christmas baby born on 21st December. She will celebrate her 23rd birthday this year and will no doubt have Doctor Who merchandise top of her wish list. I am not just ‘Mummy’ as Sarah still insists on calling me, I am her primary carer as my lovely girl has a learning disability and is dependent on my assistance. Being a carer is at times challenging especially when there is no-one…
Read MoreFrom the Brink of Closure
One day, twelve months ago, I spoke with the manager of the Littleport Leisure & Community Centre, Andy Rutterford, and warned him that unless we were prepared to make a few changes, the Centre would have to close that afternoon. I have witnessed, during the last year, the hard work, dedication and real passion for the Leisure Centre, by the staff. A never ending stream of volunteers are gradually helping to turn our primary community…
Read MoreThe Rescue Pony: Gingerbread’s Story
Unlike Anna Sewell, who wrote Black Beauty, I do not know the early days of Gingerbread. She came into my life one hot, dusty August, after a friend had told me how, while he waited for the London train, he gave his lunch to a thin little chestnut pony living by the railway station, that always seemed hungry. I decided to investigate and found a small, bony but very pretty 10 hand chestnut mare in…
Read MoreNeighbourhood Watch Update
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH UPDATE FREE – Street Signs To establish a Neighbourhood Watch scheme is very easy and normally there is just one cost involved; that of providing the street signs that usually are placed on convenient lampposts. For most schemes two signs are required at the cost of £12 each. Littleport Parish Council has kindly donated money so that residents within the Parish of Littleport can establish a scheme without this additional cost. Although the…
Read MoreThe History of Peacock’s Meadow
Back in November, a second meeting was convened to discuss ways to go forward with the regeneration of the land at the back of Parsons Lane and Limes Close that belongs to the Sanctuary Housing Association. Sanctuary were looking at building more houses some years ago but decided against it, thus leaving this land as nature intended. A grant was made to enable some fruit trees to be planted but with access becoming difficult for…
Read MoreLetter from the Editor
Welcome to your latest issue of Littleport Life! This time of year we are pleased to cover the high days and holy days for all Littleport’s residents; with the celebrations including the annual pantomime by the very excellent Littleport Players! As you can learn from our feature, you can catch them at more than one venue in the village – like the Ex-Services Club as well as the Village Hall. Back in the summer we…
Read MoreLittleport’s Adams Community Market
A big thank you for everyone who has been supporting Littleport’s new community market. You have been coming out in your droves to support this new town centre initiative and it has been fantastic to see the town look so busy. People have made some lovely comments on social media and it is great that so many residents have had the chance to see inside the beautiful Heritage Centre which is the perfect setting for…
Read MoreA Reflection from the Vine Community Church
Over this last year we have reflected on the various times and seasons. Spring, Summer, Autumn and now we are in Winter! Littleport is now surrounded by fields that have been harvested: some already planted and the first green shoots showing signs of life for a New Year, the earth looking forward and waiting for the rain,sun and heat to go through another season At the Vine , in October ,we as one local newspaper…
Read MoreThe Littleport Players: Still Entertaining Littleport
It all started in 1994 when Littleport resident and pantomime script writer Gladys Rose wanted to stage Aladdin. Keen actor Paul Allingham, who had an impressive acting record going back to the days when he started out with a group in Croydon called The Magdalen Players, felt confident enough to produce the show. Money to cover the production costs was hard to come by, but everyone chipped in and rallied round. Haddenham Drama Group lent…
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