A Reflection from the Vine Community Church

Over this last year we have reflected on the various times and seasons. Spring, Summer, Autumn and now we are in Winter!

Littleport is now surrounded by fields that have been harvested: some already planted and the first green shoots showing signs of life for a New Year, the earth looking forward and waiting for the rain,sun and heat to go through another season At the Vine , in October ,we as one local newspaper described it “took a step back in time” with a walk through experience of the life of Jesus. More than 600 children visited from local schools along with staff and learnt what it would have been like to live in the times of Jesus. Jesus made an impact when he was here on earth and touched the lives of people he came into contact with. More importantly this impact is relevant in our lives today.

As we reflect on a year that is almost finished what has it brought for us? For some it will have brought happiness, sadness, fame, fortune! One thing that is sure , it has passed quickly. As we grow older time seems to accelerate, the grey hairs come quicker, the joints creak . We think of the words of the Bible in the Psalms where the psalmist says. : Lord what are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of them? They are like a breath, their days are like a fleeting shadow. As we reflect on the person of Jesus, and how the seasons come and go , perhaps we may be asking ourselves: What does the New Year hold for us? As we move into the Christmas season and our thoughts once again turn to presents and food, let us think of the real meaning of the season. The birth of Jesus, the One whom we see lying wrapped in swaddling bands is the same Jesus who 33 years later would be taken and crucified in order to make a way back to God for us.

Wishing all the citizens of Littleport the compliments of the season from all at The Vine Community Church.

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