Every Tuesday afternoon upstairs at The Barn, HQ of the Parish Council, you are invited to visit the Littleport Society archives.
There is a fascinating selection of old photographs, books and other items of memorabilia, and chair Roger Rudderham, is always there to answer any questions you may have. Bruce Frost, treasurer, membership secretary and family tree researcher is there as much as he can too.
Their meetings are held in The Village Hall on the first Tuesday of each month, and October 4 they have Donna Martin with a talk about them Soham Railway Disaster of 1942.
On November 1st Paul Howe will ask you to ‘Watch My Waggle!’
Non-members are always welcome.
The aims of the Littleport Society are:
- To stimulate and encourage a public interest in the history and heritage of Littleport.
- To research and record the local history and traditions of Littleport.
- To create and preserve a local archive for the present and future generations of Littleport.
New Members are always welcome, and can join at any meeting or by contacting the Membership Secretary Mr Bruce Frost
18 Upton Lane, Littleport, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1HDF.
Telephone: 01353 860889.
Email: bruce.frost@btinternet.com
Minimum Annual Subscriptions:
UK Family £5 (£75.00 Life)
UK Individual £3 (£45.00 Life)
UK Senior Citizen £2 (£30.00 Life)
Overseas £15 (£150.00 Life)
Corporate £15
Subscriptions are due annually on 1st January 2017 and may be paid by Standing Order.