Two years ago this March the Club was on the verge of closing but with a lot of hard work from a new Committee and the enthusiasm of the existing Members at the time, we have managed to come forward to 2017 with a healthy Club and a lot of hope for the coming year with the promise of new members joining us in March for the beginning of the 2017/18 programme. This is a very good sign especially as we will be celebrating our 55th Anniversary in September, so we as a Club are looking forward to the celebrations of this momentous occasion.
So many Clubs are having to close because of lack of interest in people coming forward to be on the Committee so we are very lucky to have got this far. 2016 year was a very successful one with wonderful Demonstrators, two of which were new to the NAFAS Area and both proved very entertaining and successful in all of their designs, we had many old friends back to demonstrate as well, and our November Open Evening with National Demonstrator Nick Grounds proved a great success, especially as we did not have an Open Evening in 2015, but a lot of old friends came back to us in 2016. There were over 90 people in the Village Hall to watch and enjoy the craft and entertainment provided by Nick. The Members put on a really first class buffet and a good evening was had by all.
In December we always have a practical evening where our members are able to come along and create their own interpretations of designs provided by the Club Committee; this year we had 20 Members turn out for this and a really happy evening was had by all with everyone going away happy with what they had done. Two non-members also asked to come along and they will be joining the Club in March.
At our AGM in February there will be 35 members present to firstly enjoy a meal and then participate in the formal proceedings. From this we hope to move forward to a further year of friendship, wonderful demonstrations and hopefully new members. As always we will be looking for people to come forward to sit on the Committee as without these the Club would not be able to go forward.
To all the Members we have we thank you for your support over the past two years and look forward to your continued support.
To anyone wishing to come along to either join or visit the Club we meet in Littleport Village Hall on the 3rd Friday in the month, and our first meeting of the new year’s programme will be on Friday 17th March 7pm for a 7.30pm start when our Demonstrator will be David Wright, an old friend of the Club who always gives a versatile demonstration of six designs, along with his cheerful chat. Visitors are welcome to come along for a charge of £5. We have coffee and biscuits at the end when all the designs are raffled.
For more information about the Club please contact Pam Hayes, Chairman on 01353 860102 or Pam Sole, Secretary on 01353 863421.