Parish Council News Summer 2018

Local Policing and CCTV Cameras

We are still improving and extending the areas covered by our CCTV system … we currently have a bid in for funding for an additional 6 cameras (along with renewing some of the older ones). These new cameras are infa-red (ie work at night) and have number plate recognition capability. The Police too now have direct remote access into the system and can view not only live footage but can access all recordings. To give you some idea of the amount of money the system costs, we have, in the last year, spent approximately £30,000 to bring our system into the 21st century and it is definitely helping the Police catch and prosecute criminals.

We hosted a public meeting in August on behalf of the Police to assist residents in voicing their concerns over various instances of anti-social behaviour that we have been experiencing in the village and, following that meeting, the Police, along with the East Cambridgeshire Community Safety Partnership and the Parish Council, have produced a Littleport Prevention Plan which can be found on our website ( One of the main themes is for residents to reclaim areas that have, recently, become hotspots for anti-social behaviour so we’re looking to you to perhaps organise and run some community events around the Church Green throughout the year. Please let us have any ideas so that we can try and support you with market stalls etc.

Unfortunately, there has been a spate of mindless vandalism at our play parks, in particular, someone thought it would be fun (!) to take an axe to a seesaw which has resulted in excess of £1,000 being spent on repairs.

We are still looking to extend the Neighbourhood Watch scheme throughout the village and would like to hear from anyone
that may be interested in setting up a group in their road. The Parish Council have put aside a small fund for the purchase of
signs for new schemes too.

The Community Hub

Just a reminder … East Cambridgeshire District Council, working in partnership with the Parish Council, are now running a monthly community drop-in event on the first Thursday of every month between 10am and 1pm in the Village Hall. If you need to talk to someone/need advice on debt, alcohol misuse, drug dependency, housing/homelessness, benefits, mental health, domestic violence etc representatives are there for you to talk to. No need to make an appointment, just drop in. Hot drinks and food are also freely available.


As you may remember from our last Newsletter, at long last, after many years, the transfer documents have now been signed by the Parish Council and ECDC so work can start on bringing them into use as a Green Open Space for all residents of the village. The consultation document is currently being worked on and as soon as it is available for use we will be posting it on our website. Please keep an eye out on Facebook as we will post a link as soon as it’s ready. The more responses we receive the better informed we will be in creating an area which, we hope, will be well used by everyone.

Local Highway Initiative Bid

We have submitted a new bid for this year’s round of LHI funding for an additional 2 MVAS units. The data that these units capture will help us evidence areas of speeding in the village which in turn will help us build a better case for further traffic calming to be installed, by the County Council, in problem areas. We should know the outcome of our bid in November.

Christmas Lights

The Parish Council have taken up the remit of installing, enhancing and maintaining the festive lights. We’re really hoping that, with the help of the previous Village Lighting Committee and the 363 Motorcycle Club (building on the excellent work that they have done in the past), over the course of the next few years we will be investing in renewal/repair of the infrastructure, purchasing new lights and extending the areas where the festive lights will be installed. This is a definite “work in progress” and we would like to thank all those people who have helped in the past and we fervently hope that they will continue to help so that come Christmas time the village will be awash with festive lights in celebration of the festive season.

Working Groups – Transport and Access

These groups are still meeting regularly and have produced some really detailed work, which will be put into the Littleport Transport Plan setting out a clear vision for the village. The worked-up plan is due to come to the Full Parish Council meeting in December for ratification. Once ratified this will be formally lodged with the District Council to assist them when it comes to future planning applications etc. Again, thank you to all those who have contributed to the work of both groups from taking photos to working through ideas on how to improve transport and access around the village.

Parish Council Office

We now have in post a new Deputy Clerk! Vikki Austin has joined us and has settled in very quickly. She is proving invaluable in updating and maintaining the website and getting relevant information about events etc out to Facebook and Twitter

We now have the “What’s On” calendar operational on the website but we really could do with more groups giving us information about forthcoming events so that we can continue to update this. If you could provide us with dates, times, cost, age groups, location, link to any posters etc that would be really useful. It doesn’t matter whether they are regular groups/events or one-off’s the more information we have the more we can publicise for you. Send your information to Vikki on

Vikki has over 20 years experience in local government from a cashiering perspective along with Communications and PR expertise. Both Su and Vikki are undertaking additional training courses this year with a view to the Parish Council applying for Quality Council status next year. If we are successful in obtaining this, it will enable us to explore other avenues for funding etc.

Summing Up …

The Parish Council is constantly trying to improve and are always happy to hear your views on our performance. Please take the opportunity to make contact direct or via our contact page on the Parish Council website should you wish to comment, require our help or want to work with the Parish Council.

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