Littleport Women’s Institute – You Are Invited!

I am Maureen and would like to invite you to our monthly meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Village Hall at 7:15pm.

We start by singing Jerusalem followed by the minutes of the last meeting. Then we have our speaker of the month.

Let me tell you about our last meeting.

Soham Tourist Board presented a hilarious and informative talk on the Tudors. The ladies in costume took us through the life and times of Henry VIII.

Liz, exquisitely dressed in a beautiful red velvet dress, took us through the life of Henry VIII; the marrying, begetting, divorcing and beheading of all his wives, with one exception. It was very entertaining with headdresses and caps for each queen.

Barbara acted as a 12-year-old servant girl – minimum hours and wages were definitely not involved. Washing and hygiene was practically non existent and most people suffered from bad and rotten teeth.

Rosemary showed us the herbs and various unmentionable additions that made the medicines of their time – if you could afford it. Thank goodness for the NHS.

During the coffee break we sign up for any outings and events. These are arranged through our own members, other WI’s and the Federation. These are always popular and travel arrangements are made.

We then announce the competition winners, birthdays of the month and raffle.

The evening usually ends with an amusing tale by one of the members.

We also have a thriving craft/social group which meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Day Centre at 2pm, in the Village Hall.

A warm welcome to you all.

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