Littleport and District Flower Club

Since the last report we have had our September meeting at which Pat Barton from Attleborough gave a very entertaining evening with her designs title of ‘Where in the World’.

Pat was a new Demonstrator for the Club and she proved very entertaining with her six designs from around the world. Her flowers were beautiful and filled the stage with loads of colour as well as her enthusiasm for the places she had visited.

October brought back to the Club Lesley Beeton with her title of ‘Halloween’ which proved a very entertaining evening. Although not a NAFAS Demonstrator Lesley has plenty of experience as she is one of the organisers of Wisbech Fayre Flower Festival and also a teacher.

Our Workshop in August with Adele Kent leading proved a very happy positive day for all those who attended. Adele in her usual enthusiastic way brought a group of very nervous ladies together with her positive approach and sense of humour and produced two designs to work with over the day. The Hall was filled with laughter at all our efforts and at the end of the day everyone was very happy with all the designs they produced. Adele was thanked for all her hard work and said that she thoroughly enjoyed coming to our happy group.

The Open Evening with Gill McGregor was a Christmas Demonstration that was enjoyed by all.

Our December Meeting on Friday 13th at 7pm for 7.30pm start will be a Practical Evening for members to choose a design from those produced by Committee to do for the Christmas Festivities.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Club should contact the Secretary Sue Constable on 01353 861012 or the Chair Carol Weyman on 01353 380289.

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