Our Programme for the year started in March 2019 and finishes in March 2020.
2019 has proved a good year for the Club with excellent Demonstrators entertaining us with their wonderful designs, flowers and personalities and our Open Evening certainly finished the year off with a fantastic demonstration by Gill McGregor with her personality and wonderful designs.
Gill had a very different approach to flower arranging with her different ideas and entertaining talk. She has travelled the world with her designs and does workshops teaching people her different ideas and manipulation of plant material. The Village Hall was full to capacity which was due to the fact of her being such an inspiration in the world of flower arranging.
In December the Club had its usual Practical Evening when members could come along and make Christmas Arrangements suggested by the Committee for them to follow. 21 members came along and one member brought her 8 year old granddaughter along who produced a wonderful arrangement to take home to her mum. It was lovely to see such a young arranger amongst us and hopefully she will come along again sometime.
Our new programme and membership starts on Friday 20th March 2020 when the ever popular Tim Meakin returns to entertain our members. A full year of Demonstrators are booked to entertain us over the year, old friends and new Demonstrators so it should prove an interesting and happy year of ‘Flowers and Friendship’ once again.
We meet on the third Friday in the month so please come along as a visitor when you will see 6 arrangements demonstrated by an Area Demonstrator belonging to the East of England NAFAS which are then raffled at the end of the evening after we have tea/coffee and biscuits. There is also a small sales table with flower arranging products to help you along the way with your own arrangements.
No Club can go forward without a strong Committee, which we do have, led by our new Chairperson Carol Weyman who has done a wonderful job, but it is a small Committee and we need further people to come forward to help move the Club onwards and upwards, this is not onerous and anyone would be most welcome to come along to a Committee Meeting to see if they could help in any way.
For more information please contact the Secretary Sue Constable on 01353 861012.