Littleport and Ely Timebank Welcomes You!

Do you live in or near Littleport or Ely? Do you sometimes wish for a return of those ‘good old days’ when people came together, to help each other, to get to know one another, to socialise, or simply to enjoy some good old-fashioned friendship and fun? Do you sometimes wish that there was a better way to connect with your community?

Well, the good news is that we have such a group right here in Littleport! In fact, we’ve had one for several years now. Littleport & Ely Timebank is
a skills-sharing and time-exchanging group, whose members exchange skills and tasks, free of charge. And the Littleport and Ely branch has gone from strength to strength, and now has over 100 members.

So, what do we do exactly? Simple – everything and anything!

The beauty of the Timebank is that everyone can find something to do that suits their own special interests and skills. Be it gardening, pet-sitting, cooking, DIY, befriending, crafting; everyone has something to offer, and to receive in return. And you can do as much or as little as you like.

Here’s how it works.

You may need a hedge or lawn trimming in your garden: our members will do this for you. Another member may need a cake made for a special occasion: you’re great at baking, so you offer to do it. It is all about sharing: whether it be skills, time, friendship and good neighbourliness. Anyone can join, even whole families and children.

This past year, Timebank members organised community-litter picking, befriending, charitable giving, art exhibitions, pet sitting, lift-sharing, tree planting, and social events such as coffee mornings, family-friendly and children’s activities, parties and outings.

So, if you would like to meet new people, make new friends, and share in the good things that our community can offer, why not pop along to one of our weekly coffee mornings to find out more? These are held at the Adams Heritage Centre, 17 Main St, Littleport every Thursday, 10 til 12, or Bell Holt, Ely (monthly). So, don’t be shy. You’re sure of a warm welcome!

Contact or via the Littleport & Ely Timebank Facebook page.

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