Spring 2020 conjures up ‘visions’ and inches? Join our new Weights and of Health and Wellbeing. Here, at Littleport Leisure, we are hoping that spring will be the springboard to a healthier you! If so, Littleport Leisure has all you need.
We understand the trepidation, lack of self confidence or downright fear of starting any form of exercise and fitness.
Will I cope? Will I look silly? Will I fail? These are the common worries we hear. We have given this some thought and are aiming to offer beginners sessions for all our classes, starting with Beginners Circuits every Saturday from 4.20 – 5pm £4.50 per class. Closely followed by Beginners Spin classes which we hope to offer in March and beyond. There will be one daytime session and one evening session.
Can you pinch more than an inch? Want to lose weight, reduce your BMI and inches? Join our new Weights and Measures class on a Saturday afternoon between 3.15 and 4.15 with our Personal Instructor, Aimee. She will guide you through the weighing, the measuring and 20 minutes of optional light exercise. All weights and measures results are private to you as this is a support forum to share ideas, tactics, plans. There is no selling of any products, faddy or dangerous diet plans. The class is there to highlight the triggers that cause you problems and to encourage a balanced diet. Afterall, food is good, food is delicious and is there to be enjoyed.
Scales give height, weight and BMI results. Self-assessment questionnaires, records and measuring tapes are all provided in the joining pack. There is no membership and class price is £4 per session, payable monthly.