This group meets at 7.15 pm on the first Monday evening of each month in the parish room at St. George’s Church. We have thirty members this year.
Men and women, married and unmarried, not only mothers, are all welcome to join us. At our November meeting last year the average age of those present was eighty two but we are a lively and friendly group whose members take part in the whole life of St. George’s Church, especially Messy Church and the toddler groups!
We are part of the Mothers’ Union worldwide which has over four million members who live in about eighty five countries. We are ideally placed to contact one another now when people all over the world are affected by the coronavirus because we already had a “Families Worldwide Prayer Diary” in the hands of every member. That also links us across the Church of England wherever there is a Mothers’ Union branch and we continually pray along with them.
Each meeting begins with prayer and ends with a time of fellowship, greatly appreciated by members especially those who live alone. Often speakers come to tell us about their work and interests. We have learned about the lunch time clubs which are run by the Anglican, Methodist and Vine Churches working together in Littleport’s secondary and primary schools. At our last meeting held in March 2020 Lisa Thompson told us about the amazing and inspiring care given to the folk who have suffered brain damage and who come in to Fen House for rehabilitation. In July we have a strawberry and cream tea meeting and entertain one another with readings of all sorts. We also have craft evenings and occasionally play riotous board games or ‘beetle’. Each year in March we hold a coffee morning to raise funds for mothers in need around the world. This money is sent via the Mothers’ Union in Ely Diocese. They also support us in fellowship services and monthly MU prayers at Ely Cathedral attended by members from other branches all over Ely.
Although we have had to stop meeting during the coronavirus, members are knitting garments for premature babies, woollen toys to give to little children who are brought to visit parents in our local prisons and twiddle muffs for people who have dementia.
We are also in touch with one another by phone and online, helping to keep each other’s spirits up. We now have the chance to join in the service sent out on line from St. George’s Church. We look forward to the time when we can give each other a proper hug instead of a virtual hug. When that time comes, we hope that you will come along to a meeting, where you will be sure of a warm welcome – you are never too young (or old!) to join.