Littleport and District Flower Club

It is a sad fact that the Summer has gone and we have not been able to meet at our usual venue of Littleport Village Hall for our monthly meetings of flowers and friendship, so many wonderful Demonstrators have had to be cancelled and this August we should have been looking forward to a Saturday Workshop with the wonderful Barbara Collins, who is the incoming Chair of the East of England Area of NAFAS, this would have been such fun but we know that the decision that was made was the correct one to cancel until 2020.

Things are beginning to change but when we will be back to ‘the normal’ is a long way off, we are keeping a close eye on how things are progressing within NAFAS but at the present time all advice from Headquarters is the same. We will be putting out a Newsletter to all our members later in August, which will either be emailed or posted to you so that we can keep you all up to date. Some of our members live in other Districts so we must keep them up to date with everything also and we thought this would be the best way of doing this.

So to everyone out there, enjoy the Autumn and by the time of the Winter Edition of Littleport Life we may have better news to give to you all.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Chair Carol Weyman on 01353 360289 or Secretary Sue Constable on 01353 861012 for any information on the Club.

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