Littleport Scout Group: Onwards and outwards!

There is a definite theme of the great outdoors running through the online activities offered by the 1st Littleport Scout Group this spring. The Beaver Scouts have been busy gardening, making bird feeders, and designing kites, plus there has also been a spot of indoor den building.
‘Den building is one of the activities we love to do when on camp, so to see the Beavers having fun at home with our adapted activity indoors was great,’ says Beaver Scout Leader Susannah Webb, known to the Beavers as Chestnut. During the halfterm, she is going to keep on encouraging the children to be active – especially important now regular sports and activities are closed – by organising a scavenger hunt around the village that the Beavers can do with their families. They will have to follow clues to find letters that spell a word. ‘We are trying to help parents and carers get their children out and about, which we know can be harder during the colder weather,’ she says.
The Scouts are also embracing outdoors life. They too made bird feeders and took part in the RSPB’s annual winter bird watch. Between the 15-17 January, the 1st Littleport Hereward Scouts joined in virtually with Scouts across the world to attend the online Wintercamp 2021. The young people had more than 150 activities to choose from across the weekend, as well taking part in the Wintercamp challenge, which meant completing two challenges every hour. ‘Nearly 700 teams took part and we finished in 36th place – a fantastic achievement,’ says Scout Leader Philip Watson. ‘Well done to those who took part.’
Meanwhile, the Cubs have decided to follow a more culinary theme in their activities. ‘The most popular activities for the Cubs in the autumn term were cooking and using sweets in a mini pioneering project, so it came as no surprise that they were keen to include as many foodrelated activities as possible this term!’ says Cub leader, Dan Seaman, known to the Cubs as Akela. During the term, Cubs will be challenged with a photographic scavenger hunt, a quiz of their own making, den building and cooking pancakes in an unusual way. Leaders are also planning something different for the Cubs to try: building a marshmallow catapult. ‘I selflessly volunteered to prepare and test a design,’ Dan says. ‘The design is still at the concept stage for now, yet the ammunition has dwindled inexplicably!’
The Leaders are keeping everything crossed for a return to some form of faceto-face Scouting in the summer term. ‘We can’t wait to see our young people again, particularly those who haven’t felt comfortable or able to join the Zoom sessions,’ says group leader, Julie Double. ‘In the meantime, we’d like to say how proud we are of all of them for continuing to deal with the difficult situation. Stay safe and well.’

If you want to join Scouting or know of a child who does, please get in touch with Group Scout Leader Julie Double at
We are also looking for more volunteers to join our Executive Committee, that looks after the behind-the-scenes running of the group. Please email to find out more.

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