Report By the Programme Secretary Pam Hayes
A big hello to all Flower Club Members and hopefully new Members that might come along as a Visitor in the first instance to see what it is we do and meet up with other Members.
The Club is hoping to restart on Friday 17th September at our usual venue of Littleport Village Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm start. Vicki Hease will be the Demonstrator at this meeting, a new face to the Club, but I am sure she will inspire us all to get back into the groove of flower arranging and the enjoyment it can bring to us all.
As a Committee we hope that we will be able to move forward without any more cancelling of Demonstrators because of the Covid situation. The past year has been a sad time of informing Demonstrators that we have to cancel, for some it is the only income that they have had coming in, and sadly to say many of our regular Demonstrators have now decided to retire and we as a Club have not been able to say goodbye to them.
Looking forward, we have September, October and November, to look forward to for the year 2021 we will not be having a grand Open Evening, sadly we have had to cancel Lorena Dyer as we realised it would not be possible to organise a big meeting as we do not know what restrictions will still be in place in regard to how many we can have at any meeting. We have however a great favourite of the Club coming along David Wright who we all know and enjoy. This will be a meeting for Club Members only, but if possible once we know how things pan out you can all bring along a friend to enjoy his Demonstration of the 12 days of Christmas, and the Committee will attempt to make it a jolly evening. A full year of Demonstrators has been arranged for 2022, some you will know but a lot will be new to the Club, our Christmas meeting in November 2022 will be with Demonstrator Johnathan Moseley, who some of you may have seen many times on TV doing Demonstrations, so fingers crossed that this will be able to happen.
The Committee hope that you are all well and beginning to get back to a more normal way of living, hopefully you have all had your Vaccinations and are looking forward to getting back to a more normal world. Have a happy summer and we look forward to seeing you all on the 17th September for our return meeting. We will attempt to get a Newsletter to everyone once we know exactly what the Government position is in regard to meeting up.
Memories of past meetings, the group photo shows a lot of happy ladies at our first Workshop with Adele Kent in 2018 and one of an arrangement won by Pam Hayes by Demonstrator Tim Meakin in June 2018.
If you need more information please contact the Secretary Sue Constable on 01353 861012 or the Chair Carol Weyman on 01353 360289.