when it comes to getting out there and running, helping to get everyone motivated as well as raising money for worthwhile charitable causes, you don’t have to look very far. Littleport parkrunners who call themselves the Fab 4, Chelsey Meadows, Julie Murfitt, Andrea Sullivan and Cathy Gibb-de Swarte often seen dressed in brightly coloured tutus and wearing crazy headgear running round Littleport, have been active throughout lockdown.
The four runners are always messaging each other on social media finding such events and when it was deemed safe, invited other runners to join them for the 5k Autism Awareness charity event on Good Friday April 2nd raising money for Spectrum. On the morning itself Amy Holland and local running buddy Jennifer Stewart joined the Fab 4 and together they raised £500. Local business Sigma Embroidery aka Kim Oakhill provided the free printing of Run 4 Autism Awareness on caps and tee-shirts, the money for which the runners donated to Spectrum for their merchandise which they wore on the day.
On Saturday the 10th of April Cathy provided some novelty sailors hats and scarfs which her running buddies gamely wore for their 8k memorial run for keen micro sailor and London Marathon runner David Catto, who passed last year. He had volunteered for Hope UK, a drug education charity working with children and young people, installing their whole IT system.
Like the rest of their running buddies which includes Jo White, Lizzie Hyslop, Donna Leonne and Tali Iserles, Amanda Murfitt, James Lee, Joanne Bruno, Ann Schofield, Charolotte Nevison, Lisa Long, Ian Barnish and Emily Sweatt, they were all looking forward to meeting up again for the popular Littleport parkrun that begins again for the summer.
Although regulars at the Saturday parkruns organised by James Lee at the Littleport Leisure mapped out running course, these hardy and inspirational runners will still be out there in between times pounding the pavements, accompanying Chelsey with her half marathons, taking part in charity events or just trail running down the various riverbanks heading off to either to Queen Adelaide or Ely from Littleport in their many colourful outfits which always brightens up the local community – especially some of the very young residents who think fairies wearing tutus are running round their village.
As for their past exploits, the Littleport Fab 4 surprised the BBC tv crew as they ran past them over the now world famous Sandhill Bridge on the morning of the relocated Cambridge v Oxford University Boat Race.If you would rather get involved in a running group then why not join’Let’s Run Littleport’ a sociable running group offering ‘Couch to 5K’ programmes throughout the year and regular ‘Steady 5k’ runs lead by qualified Run Leaders. Regardless of age, ability or previous running experience, you will be guided and supported through your running journey.
Run Leader Sandra Pietch posted on their Facebook page thus: We are pleased to announce that we will continue with our ‘C25k Spring 2021’ and ‘Steady’ running sessions. Admittedly the sessions started in May but there are a few still left in June.We have just published more bookable session dates up until June 14th. Why June 14th? Save this date in your diary as the ‘C25k Spring 2021’ will conclude that day and will head out for our first 5k run.
If you like to book more sessions for the ‘Steady’ sessions, please follow this link: https://groups.runtogether.co.uk
Let’sRun Littleport https://runtogether.co.uk and if you have any queries visit Let’s Run Littleport or message by Facebook Sandra Pietsch or Clare Dell at Healthy You East Cambridgeshire.