As this issue is put together, we are all hopeful for a continuing easing of restrictions, and the opportunity for everyone in the village – and the country – to be able to start to come together and resume the activities that we enjoy safely. Scouting is very much embedded in the values of community and outdoors. Although the latter has had to take more of a back seat in the past year, the pandemic has reinforced that it is our connections with those around us that keep us strong and supported during difficult times.
The activities that our brilliant leaders continue to offer every week – bearing in mind that they are volunteers with jobs, families and other commitments of their own – is nothing short of amazing. From gardening, kite-making and scavenger hunts for whole village to enjoy (in their family groups) during a wet February half-term to the opportunity to meet Scouts from across Ely District online and enjoy activities such as pancake making and magic tricks in a special St George’s Day virtual event, the sense of community has shone through in every sense of the word.
The weekly summer term Scouting meetings continue online for now, including life skills such as pairing socks and making beds through to pioneering projects using cocktail sticks and sweets, and general knowledge quizzes. The leadership team are also busy preparing risk assessments, so when the time is right, we’ll be able to welcome the young people back to face-to-face Scouting in a safe way, getting as much of the ‘outdoors’ back into the activities as we can!
For now, we’ll continue to support our Scouting family and our wider community by delivering Littleport Life; taking part in litter picks; and offering young people opportunities to develop their skills, earn badges, and, most importantly, have some fun.
If you want to join Scouting or know of a child who does, please get in touch with Group Scout Leader Julie Double at We are also looking for more volunteers to join our Executive Committee, that looks after the behind-the-scenes running of the group. Please email to find out more.