‘Now is the winter of our discontent, Made glorious summer by this son of York’. This line sits among the most famous lines of Shakespeare’s works, along of course, with, ‘When shall we three meet again,’ from Macbeth. At this time of year, our thoughts, of course, turn to winter, the cold, and our discontent seems to build. Still, the truth is, the line from Shakespeare’s Richard III means to point to the future, the…
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Christian Spiritualists in Littleport
I was inspired recently to watch an old favourite TV show again from the early 2000s, “The West Wing” where Martin Sheen plays a very fair, balanced and passionate US president, however for a time he sat very much in the middle ground not wanting to rock the boat, as opposed to fighting for what he believed. In one episode Sheen’s character was told a parable about Gods assistance. The parable is this; A faithful…
Read MoreChristian Spiritualists in Littleport
We have all endured much over the last few months, in many and various ways, but the planet has kept turning and the sun has risen over our horizon and set each day, regardless of the tumultuous earthly events that tested the entire world’s population to the utmost with many likening it to the last world war. But this has been a war where the entire nations of the world were united in battling a…
Read MoreA Message from Littleport Christian Spiritualists
One of the first lessons I learnt as a Spiritualist, over 21 years ago, was the simple principle that our way of life should make itself open and available to all. Although at the time both myself and the one who taught me that lesson were not ‘officially’ classified as Christian Spiritualists, there is no doubt in my mind that in our hearts we were. I refer to Rev Lyn Gibb-de Swarte. When we both…
Read MoreGreater Littleport and District New Christian Spiritualists’ Society
Rev’d Nick Brown says Let the Sun Shine In! Everyone loves a splash of sunshine. I am always somewhat amused by those people that I know who call themselves ‘sun worshippers’. Long ago of course and even to this day, there are those that describe themselves as such for very different reasons. Everyone loves a splash of sunshine. I am always somewhat amused by those people that I know who call themselves ‘sun worshippers’. Long…
Read MoreGreater Littleport and District New Christian Spiritualists’ Society
If there is a God, why do bad things happen? There was once an architect who had the idea of creating the greatest home for people there had ever been. He had it all worked out in his mind to build the nicest block of flats in the universe, it would be perfection. He put his plans down on paper and listed everything he felt would be needed, not just to actually build it, but…
Read MoreGreater Littleport & District New Spiritualists’ Society
These three winter months mean different things to different people. In the religious sense, while we as basically Christians enjoy Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus and a new light coming into the world 2,016 years ago, Judaism, the religion Jesus was born into, celebrates the festival of light called Chanukah, that Jesus would have enjoyed too. Jesus who grew up to be a miracle worker must have thrilled as a child…
Read MoreGreater Littleport & District NSS
Rev’d Nick Brown Senior Minister at Greater Littleport and District NSS presents a look at our Christian Spiritualism by the NSS Principle Minister. As for the oft debated question of religion and Spiritualism, you need look no further than the Bible…”And these signs shall follow them that believe… they shall lay hands on the sick; and they shall recover.” Mark’s Gospel, Chapter 16 verses 17-18. Or, “He (they) that believeth on me, the works that…
Read MoreA Message from St George’s Church
Just a few years ago, the Church of England undertook what it called The Weddings Project. The project’s aims were to raise the church profile on weddings generally, but also to double the number of church weddings in two parishes nationally. Those two parishes were not chosen at random; they were the parish with the least number of church weddings per head of population and the parish with the most church weddings per head of…
Read MoreMessage from the Greater Littleport Spiritualist’s Society
A couple of the most frequently asked questions are ‘what is a Spiritualist’ and ‘why are there so many religions rather than just one’? Well the answer to the first is a simple matter and can be found in any dictionary! For instance, ‘Spiritualist’ is defined by the Chambers Dictionary as; a belief that it is possible to have communication with the spirits of dead people, e.g. through a medium and the practice of this,…
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