Reviewed bus services progress as new timetable specifications are issued for tender
Following a process of community engagement and discussion through a Working Group, several bus services under review are now at the penultimate stage of the process where new timetables have been designed and issued for tender.
The following bus services are currently out for tender:
- 117 (Upware – Soham – Ely)
- 125 (Wardy Hill/Little Downham – Ely) – includes current service 116
- 129 (Black Horse Drove – Prickwillow – Ely)
The existing bus service 115 (Gold Hill Corner – Ely) will be withdrawn.
The tender process takes approximately 4 months and final timetables will be dependent on the costs of bids returned. Further information will be available around April 2015. All existing services will remain in place until a new service commences as an alternative.
The timetables for these services have had changes made so please check out the proposed new timetables on the ‘Working with the Community’ page on Cambridgeshire County Councils website at The new timetables will be advertised locally prior to when the new service is due to start. Contact the team: email:; tel: 0345 045 0675