Littleport Town Team

Market Survey

You may recall that we conducted a survey in March 2015 via an article in Littleport Life as well as having the survey available as picks ups in several shops. A total of 76 responded to the survey and the results were as follows:

  • Overwhelming support that Littleport should have a market
  • There was divided opinion as to whether it should be indoor or outdoor
  • The most popular day came out as a Saturday followed by a Tuesday or Wednesday
  • The vast majority said that the market should run all day, every week, all year round and provide as much variety of goods for sale as possible
  • The clear leader for an outside location was Main Street Car Park although lots of other locations, including indoor ones, were suggested.

So the message is clear – Littleport wants a market. It was felt that setting up an outside market may take a little time mainly due to securing a suitable location and that the Autumn/Winter was perhaps not the best time to launch an outdoor market. So the Town Team has been in negotiations with Adam’s Heritage Centre in order to try and provide an indoor market solution in the interim.

The result is that we are going to trial a market every Saturday morning from the end of September. The Centre is hoping to attract quality, local produce that can’t normally be sourced in Littleport’s Town Centre and thus provide something new that will attract increased footfall into the town. Once the finer details have been determined, we will be heavily promoting the market – so look out for the forthcoming publicity and follow the updates on our Face book page – or contact Tracey Harding, Town Centres Team Leader at East Cambridgeshire District Council.

Forthcoming Event

National Heritage Weekend runs from 11th to 13th September and we are working with Littleport businesses to take part. It is ten years since an array of white shirts were suspended over Main Street in a fabulous and creative promotion to celebrate Littleport’s connection with Hope Bros. Ten years on we aim to capture the town’s heritage once again but a little lower down! Littleport Library ran a series of workshops over the summer encouraging budding artists to portray Littleport’s heritage on large poster size boards. We will be showcasing these in lots of shop windows over the Heritage Weekend to form a “Creative Heritage Art Trail”. So please come and have a look at how local people have portrayed our heritage.

Cllr David Ambrose-Smith
Chair of Littleport Town Team


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