Vision For All

In her 1925 address to the Lions International Convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, USA, Helen Keller challenged Lions to be “Knights of the Blind in the Crusade against Darkness”

Since then, Lions have dedicated themselves to preventing blindness, restoring sight and improving eye care services.

Since its inception in 1990 and through the involvement of Lions, the Sight First programme has helped to restore sight to 30 million people around the world.

Sight First grants totalling more than £165 million (US$255 million) have been invested in eye care services, the improvement of eye care facilities and the training of thousands of eye care professionals.

Lions Sight First has a hospital in Nairobi in Kenya and a eye unit in Malawi which has links with The Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh, plus lots of other sight programmes in other countries.

If you have any old spectacles we can recycle them to help this vital programme, they can be left at Wades, Boots or Tesco opticians in Ely, or use the contacts below.

We Care, We Serve, We Accomplish. Help Local Lions, Help Local People!

For more details of Lions clubs please contact David & Jenny Ellis 01353 664318 / 07817 592438 or go to the websiteFacebook: Littleport Lions Club, Twitter: @LittleportLions

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