Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organisation, with a network of 1.4 million men and women in more than 210 countries and geographical locations. We serve where we live, as well as globally, and we have fun doing it. Though well known for its successful initiatives in vision health, Lions service is as diverse as its members. We meet all sorts of needs, from assisting the elderly to helping victims of natural disasters.
Lions give 100 percent of donations to our causes. We cover all our costs through our dues. Lions make a difference everyday everywhere. Whether by organising a pancake breakfast fundraiser or building a wheelchair ramp for someone in need, we are a hands-on organisation.
Lions Day with the UN Commemorating a partnership of 70 years, Lions Day with the United Nations (LDUN) gives Lions the opportunity to discover how the UN and Lions together can continue to help those in need on a global scale.
At LDUN, held at UN Headquarters in New York City, approximately 500 Lions, UN diplomats and other key representatives discussed targeted humanitarian challenges, engaged in panel discussions; celebrated the winners of the International Peace Poster and Essay contests and much more. The Lions Day with the United Nations is on Saturday, March 12, 2016.
Over 1.3 million ordinary men and women in over 205 countries and geographic areas around the world, meet in Clubs to have some fun and help those less fortunate than themselves. We are part of this movement – Lions Clubs International.
In our District, EA, (East Anglia) we have some Lions Clubs open to men and women while some are just for men. In addition we have some ladies only Clubs, the Lionesses, and for the younger members of the community we have the Leos. So however you like to get together, there is sure to be a Club to meet your requirements.
Great Britain and Ireland are split into a series of Districts, in our case we are in East Anglia. Each District is further sub-divided into Regions.
All Clubs agree to abide by the Code of Ethics and Purposes of Lions Clubs International. Having said that each Club tends to run its own affairs to meet the needs of its own local community. To find our more why not visit a Club near you.
Clubs in our District arrange social events throughout the year. There is no obligation on Members to join in but they generally do.
Clubs like to celebrate their founding with a Charter Night – a form of birthday party – which may be a dinner dance or possibly a simple get together in a pub.
We offer our members good fellowship – A Club does not look for new members but new friends. This sums up how all our Clubs operate.
We help those less fortunate than ourselves. In order to do this we raise money to make donations to worthy causes. Many of our Clubs also have a “hands on” approach, this may mean digging a garden, helping to decorate an old person’s bathroom etc.
To cover our administration costs and dues to the central organisation we pay a small subscription and arrange sponsorships from local businesses.
NO money collected from the Public can be spent to the advantage of the Lions.
We believe that our Member’s families and work must come before the needs of the Lions Clubs.