Poppy Appeal 2016

At the time of writing it gives me a great deal of happiness to report that the 2016 poppy Appeal currently stands at £8800. This sum stands close to the highest final amount that has been raised in Littleport ever. The branch hope that for the first time the Appeal total will pass £9000.

Between now and the end of the Appeal in September the branch will be holding two further fund raisers. The first fund raiser will be a raffle at the Leisure Centre Fun Day. The second fund raiser will be a lottery for which three collection days will be held in July. The branch will have a stall outside Wisbech Road Co-oP, a stall on Ely Market, and a stall outside Main Street Co-Op. These will happen on 7 July, 15 July and 22 July 2017 respectively.

At the same time as the fund raisers we will be attempting to enlist more members to the Royal British Legion and more collectors for the Poppy Appeal Collection. Both new members and collectors are desperately needed.

The work of the Royal British Legion needs as much support as ever. The total Poppy Appeal collection for 2016 stands at £42 million but the RBL is spending approximately £100 million. The outstanding sum is covered by commercial sales and sponsorship but the Poppy Appeal is still the best way for the public to get involved and your donations are much appreciated.

If anyone reading this would like to enrol in the RBL or volunteer with the Poppy Appeal I can be contacted on 01353 861332.

Garth McGowen
Poppy Appeal Organiser
Littleport Branch
The Royal British Legion

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