Littleport & District Flower Arrangement Club – Celebrating 55 Years Flowers Friendship and Fun

The Club has enjoyed a very good year and also celebrated reaching 55 years of wonderful flower demonstrations and friendship.

A very versatile year has just flown by and we are coming up to our AGM in February when we will be having a meal at Littleport Village Hall with Fairways Catering providing all of the food to kick off our AGM and going into a new year of Demonstrators.

The highlight of 2017 was our Open Evening when Julia Knights came along to entertain us and when the Hall stage Curtains opened it was absolutely breath-taking to see the wonderful display already set up even before she started her Demonstration. Julia’s title was Christmas Alphabet and the word Christmas was spelt out in huge letters across the stage and each arrangement she did was put against the appropriate letter. Julia was also very entertaining with a great sense of humour and she loved music so this was also part of her demonstration and the Hall was filled with singing and laughter. The Club provided a wonderful buffet and other Clubs were invited along and 96 people enjoyed a wonderful evening.

Our new year Membership starts on Friday 16th March when Barbara Collins will be welcomed back with her Demonstration entitled ‘The Joys of Spring’ Barbara is always welcomed back to the Club she is a great favourite and never fails to entertain us all.

Visitors are always welcome to come along at the charge of £5 and if you like what we do you can then become a Member; we are a very welcoming Club.

We would also welcome anyone to come onto the Committee to help keep the Club running, please contact the Chair Pam Hayes on 01353 860102 for more information.

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